Listen up our governments, we have some words to wage
We are rising up, as we, destroy debts earthly cage!
Stop shaming our nurses, while cutting back on staff
It’s your fault that they can’t keep up, their under-staffed say half
Stop shaming our teachers, when-you dic-tate, what they teach
How much they have to test our kids! Don’t you sit there and preach
Stop over testing students, to make Pearsons, profits rise
And eventually, make poor results, reason to privatise!
We’re not blind, we’re not stupid, we will not submit to you
Privatizing is abuse, that benefits the few!
Making profits, from oppression? making profits based on lies?
That corporations offer greater service to our lives??
Stop selling! we’re not buying! all this nonsense that you spurt
Public-services were made- by-those, who suffered and were hurt
Fighting the elite’s wars
fighting the elite’s wars,
Fighting the elite’s wars, throughout time, returning home to find
The rich captains of industry, malice-militants, Just fine!
Our-poor scrub wars of greedy men, that care not, for their lives?
Used as pawns in war games, as cruel captains, spurt their lies
After each oppression, change starts, lest we not forget
Reform comes from people, when united, change we get
But, our governments lay claim to all our Activists have done,
When all great change is by the people, speaking truth as one!
First labelled us as criminals and terrorists to start…
Look at Martin Luther King, Grace Chapplo, Aaron Swarts
Activists build fair social structures, too keep-safe the most
from the elite few that make us masses mealy hosts
Feeding of us daily, draining the colour, from each face
Messing with our minds, so they can keep us, in our place.
‘Never again the people cried! Free public health for all
Council run cheap housing, securing us a roof and walls
A plot to grow our veg’s, and spaces to commune,
But their taking it away again!
But their taking it away again!
with their bloodied silver spoon!
Stand up and be an Activists! a carer of us all
It is the carers that stand up to speak against all that is cruel!
But the few are very clever; we’ll have to give them that
Controlling public media, News Corp, their greatest catch
twisting the minds of many, yes, there’s someone else to blame
The immigrants, or scroungers, Well played, you Know your game
But we’re catching up real quickly, We’re seeing through the lies
Learning about manipulation, to brainwash and hypnotise
Phycological warfare! We read about that now,
And soon the world will understand this system, and just how
The few have made their fortunes, through oil, and war games
Slavery, and poor workers, once locked in iron chains
Now all the world locked in debt! Too a shrinking few elite!
As corporations merge, leaving the masses to compete
For low wage jobs, that only cover costs, just, to survive
Meaning, we cannot afford, most things we used to buy…
A blessing in disguise I feel
as most crap the corporates sell,
are not the things we truly need, they keep us looked in hell!
We really need to share more, to help each other out,
Grow food in our communities, get creative, stand and shout!
I will not support debt slavery..!
I will help in ways I can..!
I will not conform to unjust laws..!
I will help my fellow man..!
Our knowledge it is growing, and to know, we’re almost free
We’re Cross referencing businesses, that oppress both you and me
It’s funny how so many-are- owned by one gigantic corp!
That has so many subsidies, it boggles, and it warps.
The mind, to know such power, is in the hands of few
That dictate to our governments, whatever they want too
But the truth, it soon will conquer…
as communities untie…
And humanities awareness…
moves from the darkness…
to the light.