More than half the UK’s local authorities have now declared a climate emergency and committed to take action to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero. Essex County Council has declined to do this; what planet are they on?
The fate of our 1.8m residents rests in the hands of just 75 individuals who have so far chosen to ignore the scientific evidence that we have 11 short years to take difficult action to ensure the survival of future generations.
As well as making your voice heard in public actions and in conversations, please take personal action to lobby your Essex Councillor directly. Follow our simple 3 steps to let your representative know clearly what your demands are of them:
1) Click here for link to Essex County Council website to find your local councillor. Enter your postcode, then click on your councillor to find their email address.
2) Copy and paste the below suggested text into an email, or better still be creative – express why this means so much to you.
3) Press send. Wait for a response. Resend/engage as appropriate. Remember why this is so important.
”As a local concerned resident I am writing to demand that at the next full council meeting on 8th October Essex County Council declares a climate and ecological emergency and commits to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero by 2025.
This will require urgent difficult action, but with the survival of future generations at stake we need to go beyond politics. I therefore also demand that the council commits to establish a Citizens Assembly within 6 months to provide informed support to this critical process.
I hope you can agree to raise or support a suitable motion on behalf of myself and other concerned citizens across the county. With the longest coastline in the country and a huge agricultural industry, we don’t need to look far to see how rising sea levels and/or continued dry summers will radically impact Essex. Let’s catch up urgently.
I look forward to receiving confirmation of your support.”
Thanks in advance, and if you’d like more information or would like to get more involved in lobbying please contact your local XR Lobbying & Advocacy representative.