November Update: #XR52 Clothing Boycott

December 6, 2019

So somehow it’s now December – tis the season for jumpers, coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Find out below how our fashion boycotters are getting on…

I feel fortunate to have a decent supply of jumpers and cardigans to see me through winter – some of them are from charity shops, some of them are from my pre-boycott days, but most of them have been in my wardrobe for a good few years. I also have a thing for scarves and recently bought a lovely scarf in a charity shop! I’ve noticed the charity shops have put out all the coats and warm clothes; in the charity shop I used to volunteer at, we used to put aside good quality coats etc. that were donated in warmer months so that we could bring them out for winter, ensuring nothing was wasted. We also used to send not-quite-perfect quality coats to local homeless shelters to make sure they still went to good use.
Laura K

Luckily I think I have enough clothes to get me through this winter, but enjoyed sorting through all my thick jumpers. I found one that I had completely forgotten I owned. I also found some warm stuff that I will NEVER fit into again! So off to the charity shop I shall go!

I found a gorgeous Dr Martens jumper in a charity shop recently (anyone who knows me knows I live in my docs – I may have squealed when I spotted it!). I find it pretty easy to do my clothes shopping in charity shops when I need to, however, finding kids’ clothes second hand is a bit more difficult (and Flynn outgrows his clothes pretty quickly!). I keep a look out for anything that will fit him in the near future and donate his old clothes to friends’ kids or charity shops once he’s outgrown them.
Laura D

Are you cold for a jumper but hot for change? We’re switching from fast to slow fashion in an effort to reduce greenhouse gases, biodiversity loss and poor treatment of those working in garment factories. Join in on social media using #XR52 #XRChelmsford. See the original post for more information and to see who is taking part in our boycott.

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