A vital aspect of regenerative culture is building our capacity for caring and authentic communication. What better topic then for feelgoodfriday# than an article providing practical advice when doing this with one of the hardest topics; talking to kids about the mess we’re in.
If the topic is resonating strongly for you you’ll want to read the whole of this great article.
If you’re after a ‘dummies guide’, consider the following:
1) Remember you do not need to be a climate expert, it’s ok to explore learning together. If your child asks a question you can’t answer immediately, you can say ‘What a great question. Let me look into that so I can answer it properly.’
2) Try to validate, rather than minimise, children’s emotions. If a child express anxiety, it’s much better to say: ‘It’s ok to feel worried. Here is what we can do about it,’ than to say: ‘Don’t worry. It’s all fine.’ But always try to support this emotion with suggestions for positive action.
3) Negative information hits harder. Bad or threatening facts tend to resonate more strongly – and therefore stick in the mind. So try to balance one piece of negative news with three pieces of positive news. Have some examples of good climate-related news ready – for example, successful conservation projects.
4) For younger children, keep it local and tangible. Suggest litter picks and school events. For teenagers, encourage them to stay connected at a wider level – help them write to their MP, take part in protests and join local communities and campaigns.
5) Set practical goals as a family and follow through. Record and celebrate your climate successes together (even a piece of paper on the fridge door). Reinforce the message that small actions can make a big difference.
And of course the XRC hive mind is great for comparing thoughts and suggestions, so feel free to comment, ask or share…..lets build capacity.